Pot Talk in the state of Washington

One of my new New Year’s Resolutions is to not to watch so much Netflix, so I’ve decided to try and keep up with the news. (Lot of “new” in that) Right now I’m just scratching the surface, just glancing at the headlines online at the New York Times and the Seattle Times. The article that caught my attention today is about marijuana. Coming from the fine state of Colorado and now inhabiting the great state of Washington, the mention of marijuana usually shows up in the news. Legalizing it does make it quite prevalent. Anyway, I enjoyed this article and for the most part agreed with it.

President’s Pot Talk

On another note of legalizing marijuana, I stumbled upon another small article that I found interesting. I found it semi ironic in that some of the cities in Washington are going against I-502, which in turn is going against federal law. Maybe it’s just more of an odd chain than irony.

Cities in the State

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